Should You Worry About Joints Cracking or Popping?
Cracking and popping joints, medically known as crepitus, are normal. Joints are points in your body where two bones meet. You might occasionally hear your knees popping or notice your back or bones crack as you move them.
What is tendon rupture?
A tendon rupture is a break in a tendon, the structure that joins a muscle to a bone. It can result from overuse, an injury, or an underlying condition.
How to Treat Wrist Ganglion Cyst
A wrist ganglion cyst is a swelling that usually occurs around the hand or wrist. A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled capsule; they are not cancerous, will not spread, and while they may grow in size, they will not spread to other parts of your body.
Ankle replacement surgery: What to expect
Ankle replacement surgery involves removing damaged parts of the ankle joint and replacing them with an artificial joint. It is an option when noninvasive treatments, such as physical therapy, have been ineffective for arthritis.
What to know about disability for back pain
Some individuals with back pain may be eligible for a range of disability benefits. The eligibility requirements for these benefits may vary by state and depend on the cause of a person’s back pain.
Frozen shoulder research may hold the key to understanding fibrosis resolution
Frozen shoulder is a painful and disabling condition affecting the ligaments that form the shoulder joint capsule. Patients experience severe stiffening of their affected shoulder which can last for several years, interfering with activities of daily life.
Mapping blood vessel network of the meniscus with high precision
Knee operations on the meniscus cartilage are a frequent procedure on a particularly complex part of the human body. Empa researchers want to provide an improved basis for clinicians in order to reduce the risks of the operation.
Should all patients aged 75 years or older receive cemented femoral components for primary THA?
Since the advent of the modern THA in the 1960s, it has been a life-changing surgical procedure with overwhelmingly successful results.
Future of Football: Why ACL injuries have been on rise in women's game - and the technology and solutions to fix it
It has been the hottest topic in the women's game - but not for welcome reasons. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are wreaking havoc within the sport, depriving top competitions, leagues and tournaments of some of the world's best players.
Two-Portal Arthroscopic Knotless All-Suture Anchor Posterior Labral Repair
Isolated posterior shoulder instability accounts for approximately 10% of shoulder instability cases. Patients may present after an acute trauma or with insidious onset and associated posterior shoulder pain. Knotless and all-suture anchor devices have become increasing popular and are often used in arthroscopic shoulder instability cases to avoid knot stacks and allow for the ability to re-tension the fixation. This technical note describes our technique for 2-portal posterior labral repair using knotless all-suture anchors with the patient in the lateral decubitus position.